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Actually clotting factor concentrates weren't created as much as they were discovered. A doctor was curios what was the residue left in a bag of plasma was after her patients had received transfusions. She began running several tests and discovered a large concentration of the clotting factor proteins.

For many of the newer clotting factor products (referred to as recombinant), scientists have employed cells that actually do the creation of the factors for them. These cells were engineered to produce the protein molecules as a byproduct. The scientist now just feed the cells and harvest the proteins after the cells excrete it.

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Q: What allowed scientists to create clotting factor for hemophilia?
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Allowed scientists to create clotting factor for hemophilia.?

Actually clotting factor concentrates weren't created as much as they were discovered. A doctor was curios what was the residue left in a bag of plasma was after her patients had received transfusions. She began running several tests and discovered a large concentration of the clotting factor proteins. For many of the newer clotting factor products (referred to as recombinant), scientists have employed cells that actually do the creation of the factors for them. These cells were engineered to produce the protein molecules as a byproduct. The scientist now just feed the cells and harvest the proteins after the cells excrete it.

People with the hereditary disease hemophilia have what?

They have trouble forming blood clots due to the inability to create a certain protein needed to form a clot. Different types of hemophilia have different proteins that don't work. or for Plato users : lack one or more blood clotting factors

What is plasma used for?

There are two types of Plasma.Matter Plasma is a form of ionized matter stripped of electrons. This is what is found in the core of the sun.A plasma cutter is used in welding, and superheats gasses to create plasma. See the article on "How Stuff Works"., another term for Plasma is the liquid component in the blood. It includes minerals, proteins, and clotting factors.Perhaps the most useful part would be the clotting factors which can be useful for surgery or certain types of traumatic injury, or for the treatment of hemophilia, a disease that is characterized by a deficiency of clotting factors causing excess bleeding.

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To test hypotheses, scientists create experiments.

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A model.

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No. Those are just folklore.

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