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On average the voice cracks around age 13.5, but can start as early as 10 or as late as 17.

Voice deepens on average around age 15, but can deepen as early 12 or as late as 18

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Q: What age does your voice change in puberty?
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How does a person's voice change with time?

their vocal cords stretch as they age, such as when one goes through puberty

What makes your voice change?


Does voice changes in teenage?

Yes, voice changes are common during teenage years as the larynx grows and vocal cords lengthen. This can result in a deeper voice for boys and sometimes a higher or more variable voice for girls. These changes are influenced by hormones and are a normal part of puberty.

How does your voice sound when going through puberty?

When a boy begins puberty, his voice will lower. There is no significant difference or change in voice for girls.

What glands changes the voice during puberty?

The testosterone produced in the testicles are what cause the voice to change during puberty.

Is there anything I can do to lower my voice because I'm 15 and have a very very high voice?

It happens by itself during puberty. For you at your age it will be soon. There is nothing to help a voice change in tone.

Why does your voice change?

Everybody's voice changes because of puberty. Puberty does a lot of things to your body that you WILL notice like voice changes. Your voice will become more deeper.

Can a twelve year old boys voice change?

You have to wait... It will happen eventually although it is not unknown for it to happen this early in Puberty. It is normal for a boy of your age to have a higher voice than older boys. Puberty will cause your voice to lower, but it can take a few years.

What are clues that puberty will come to you?

Have bumps,voice change.

What causes a voice to be broken?

To answer your question, yes, some girl's voices do break. Whilst going through puberty, girl's voices change in tone, causing some to 'break'. This is not, however, as dramatic and obvious as in males. Voices change because the larynx, or voice box, increases in size during puberty. When the larynx grows very quickly, it can cause the voice to 'break', crack, and squeak. As the vocal cords in the larynx get thicker and longer, the tone of the voice deepens.

What is the maximum age for body growth for a girl after puberty?

Puberty goes on until age 18-20 and does not grow after puberty. It will change because of age but not grow.

How can you tell when your voice change during puberty?

When it starts cracking(squeaking).