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Adolescence is usually the period between 13 and 19 years of age.

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Q: What age does adolescence end?
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Related questions

What begains with the end of adolescence and extends to old age?

Middle age.

What is adolescence associated with?

Adolescence is associated with age. Adolescence is normally used to describe young people or children. Teenagers are considered to be a part of adolescence.

When is adolescence over?

Adolescence "ends" at age 21 according to most experts.

What is the period between childhood and adult age?


Can you give me a sentence using the word adolescence?

The time period between the beginning of puberty and adulthood is known as adolescence. A sentence would be : "There is no other age in which people are more crazy than adolescence."

What are the life cycles of humans?

Infancy -> Childhood -> Adolescence -> Adulthood -> Middle Age -> Old Age

Adolescence (age 10-20)?

Identity vs. Role Confusion

Do all bones stop growing by the end of adolescence?

Yes they do.

Is early adulthood and adolescence the same thing?

No, early adulthood and adolescence refer to different life stages. Adolescence typically covers the teenage years, while early adulthood encompasses the period from around ages 18 to 30. During adolescence, individuals experience significant physical, cognitive, and emotional changes, while early adulthood is marked by further development of independence and identity.

What is the age before adolescence called?

ofcorse the age before adolescence i.e before 12-15 years i known as childhood ......... so simple aur koi paglo wale question na puchna..............

When is self esteem likely to rise?

Adolescence adulthood old age childhood --------------------- From the choices above, self-esteem is likely to rise during adolescence and adulthood.

At what age can a pediatrician be seen?

A paediatrician is a child specialist, and can be consulted from birth to adolescence.