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There is no definitive end point to puberty as different boys start it at different ages and some take longer to complete the process than others. By 21 or so years of age (if not sooner) most boys (really young men) will probably have reached their maximum height and their penis will probably have reached its maximum length but muscle mass and body hair may continue to extend after this age and may continue into the mid thirties or perhaps even later.

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15y ago
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12y ago

Guys all go through puberty at their own rate. Puberty is regarded as completed when the growth plates on the long bones close and growing stops. By then, boys will have developed most of the defining physical characteristics of an adult male.

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16y ago

Parent say it should stop around 16,17,or18. Edit: Having raised 2 boys, puberty doesnt stop till the age of 21. This is when hormones are balanced out and the chemical and physical changes stop and therefore a man stands before you. Then there is just mental and physical maturity from then on.

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14y ago

you officially finish puberty when your voice got lower, have pubic hair, armpit hair, chest hair (some people don't get chest hair) and facial hair. usually a male doesnt stop till age 20. if you shave a area like the ones i explained it will just grow back. so basicly never.

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12y ago

The average cycle of puberty lasts between 4-6 years from start to finish for boys. Most boys start around 12 to13-years-old but it varies a lot from person to person. They can be finished anywhere from 16 - 20-years-old.

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15y ago

It really depends when you started puberty. The average age is around 17-18, as most boys start at around 13-14. Normally, puberty lasts for around 5 years.

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15y ago

as late as 20

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Around 20.

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Q: What age do boys stop going through puberty?
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This is a sign that you are done with puberty.

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According to medical websites it could be between 17 and 20 on average. This varied because of the age at which puberty starts. Like if you started going through puberty at like 10 it would be at full length by about 16-17. if it didnt start till like 13/14 it could be as late as 20-21

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Your penis continues growing through puberty and until you stop growing at around 20-years-old. You are probably still in puberty so it may grow longer still, but it is down to the genes you inherited through your parents. Some boys have early puberty growth and others later. You may be an early grower !

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When puberty is over so around 18-20.

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it is good for your body because that is when you stop going through puberty and it may happen during the ages of 45 and55

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Some young boys do until they hit puberty & can't stop thinking about how bad they want your body.

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Usually the boys hit puberty at the ages of 13. It depends on the child on how to console him.

Is it normal to be sexually attracted to your mother?

Maybe you are just going through puberty, so if that's the case, stop dwelling on those thoughts. For other scenarios, you just have to stop thinking about it or lusting on your mom.

How do you slow down puberty in girls?

The only way to stop puberty in a male is castration, either through the use of chemicals or by a physical operation. Neither is desireable and physical castration simply to stop or prevent puberty is now considered to be child abuse and thus illegal.

If a boy starts to get underarm hair when he is eleven does it mean he will stop growing early?

No it doesn't, because it is normal for boys to start getting hair under his arms and in the pubic region at 11. This hair is normally straight, fine and non-pigmented hair and it signals the start of early puberty. When a boy goes through "precocious" puberty, that is, starts puberty earlier than 9 years of age, they run the risk of not growing as tall as their peers This is because when puberty completes, the growth plates on the bones close and stop growing in length. Precocious puberty is a treatable medical condition, and boys showing signs of puberty at a very young age should be seen by a pediatric endocrinologist to address the possible complications.

At what age does a teenager stop getting taller?

There is no specific age a teenager will stop getting taller. One factor is your gender, females tend to go through puberty a lot earlier than males. Males enter puberty about the time they become a teenager, some females will start before 13 years of age. It also depends on the individual and their genetics because even though the average female starts puberty earlier than males, there are always females out there who sometimes are still going through puberty in their early twenties.