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Q: What affects harm baby while mother is smoking pot?
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Can a baby be affected by parents marijanna smoking?

Yes. It's particularly bad if the mother smokes while pregnant.

How does smoking tobacco affect a developing baby?

All the chemicals and what not in it is not good or healthy for a mother to have in her body while she is carrying a child. Since it's only a baby it is prone to be miscarried.

Is breastfeeding and smoking marijuana on occasion affect the baby and how?

Yes, the drug you intake gets into the milk you make and this then affects the baby.

Can a baby get liver damage from the mother smoking?

I think not if its still in stomach ;D

How can babies develop smoking-related respiratory problems?

When a pregnant mother smokes, or is around any kind of smoke. When some on is smoking around a baby causes Second hand smoke. Large forest fires really mess with everyones respiratory system.

Is smoking good for pregnancy?

The current medical opinion is that smoking and drinking alcohol is bad for the developing baby. Doing so is likely to affect the baby's development in the mother's womb. I doubt that any would be mother would want to risk creating a baby that has medical problems caused by them smoking, taking drugs or drinking alcohol.

What does crack smoking do to pregnancy?

Smoking 'crack' while pregnant can seriously damage your baby or worse kill it!

Does smoking a cigarette release nicotine into the bloodstream to a baby while pregnant?

Yes smoking durimg pregnancy can have many effects on the baby, such as a low birth weight

Why is that drugs or alcohol taken by a mother can effect her unborn baby?

Everything affects the fetus in vitro. There is a growing human developing and the fetus develops in a pattern or stages. What the mother takes in so does the baby and if it sone thing harmful to the body the baby maybe harmed as well. The umbilical cord is like a life line between baby and mom. It is up to the mother to make sure that she has the best possible baby she can. Drugs, alcohol and smoking harm the baby and changes development of the baby. One area that is affected the most is the central nervous system and the brain.

Can you still get pregnant while smoking weeds?

Yes. But smoking while pregnant will cause harm to the baby. Twice as much harm than smoking tobacco. See the related question below.

When a women smokes during pregnancy how is the developing baby affected?

The baby can be born prematurely to a mother who smokes. It also affects development of the fetus. I remember in one of my child development classes showed the embryonic fluid bright red due to smoking. I would think any pregnant woman would take care to help their child grow and develop to be the smartest best person they could be. What the pregnant mother does affects their child ALL of their lives.

How does a mother feed a baby dolphins?

A mother dolphin gives milk to its baby. While swimming the baby goes close to the mother's breasts, and the mother squirts milk into its mouth. Its pretty fascinating.