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The opening and closing of the heart valves.

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Q: What action causes audible heart sounds?
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Is audible s3 heart sounds normal?

Such questions will continue to come from senior doctors. When you listen some abnormal heart sounds, you should go for ecocardiogram of the patient. With Doppler study, you will get complete information of the defects and blood flow of the heart. You have to listen heart sounds very routinely to know the 'normal' heart sounds. There is no short cut for the same.

What causes heart sounds?

Heart sounds are created primarily from turbulence in blood flow created by the closures of the valves.

What is the heart of music?

Audible patterns are the heart of music.

What causes the characteristic heart sounds?

The heart is caused by severe heart problems that eventually can lead to inificant heart beats

What causes the sounds heard through a stethoscope?

Your heart beat of course.

What causes the heart sounds normally heard in a healthy individual?

Normal heart sounds are caused by the heart beating. This is the process of the heart muscle contracting and relaxing as blood flows through the various chambers.

What interferes with the action that causes the heart muscles to contract?

beta blockers

What is a mummur cardict?

Mummur's are pathologic heart sounds that are produced as a result of turbulent blood flow that is sufficient to produce audible noise. Most murmurs can only be heard with the assistance of a stethoscope.

Why do you hear two heartbeats?

You may hear two heartbeats when listening to someone's chest if you are picking up both the sounds of the heart valves closing (lub-dub) as well as possible blood flow sounds. This can happen when the heart valves close audibly, and blood flow creates turbulent sounds that are also audible. It is normal to hear certain variations in heart sounds during a physical examination.

What two sound are audible when the heart is functioning?

lub and a dub (or dup)

What causes the lubb dupp heart sounds that are heard while taking a apical pulse?

The closure of mitral and tricuspid valves causes the first heart sound. The second heart sound is produced by the closure of semilunar valves (pulmonic and aortic valves).

What causes chest pain with heart palpitations?

That sounds like heart disease of some kind; it might be atrial fibrillation. In any event, consult your doctor.