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Gonorrhea, chlamydia, and trichomoniasis can all cause a green or yellow penile discharge. They may also cause no symptoms, so if you're at risk, it's important to get tested.

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Q: What STD produces a greenish-yellowish discharge in males?
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A penile discharge after contracting an STD

What is a thick white discharge that is not a yeast infection or an std?

Sometimes your body produces this discharge as a means to clean itself. If there is no foul odor and if it is not chronic, its usually normal (*I am not a doctor*) and nothing to worry about. The white thick discharge that you see is called vaginal secrections. Like said before if it does not have a odor than it's normal.

Is it a sign of pregnancy or an STD if you have brownish discharge when you wipe after using the bathroom?

It is impossible to say on here what your brownish discharge is, you need to go to a doctor or clinic. Also there is no such thing as JUST an STD.

What causes Green Discharge from your Penis?

A green discharge is a sign of a bacterial STD. Go to the doctor and get it taken care of.

What is a penile discharge?

It means that there is something leaking out of your penis when you are not urinating or having sex.

Do you have an STD if you feel loose during intercourse and have a lot of discharge?

It is best to go to the doctor and get checked for an STD because if you wait you can do permanent damage to your ovaries, and fallopian tubes.

What if your discharge is kinda greenish but not clumpy?

It could mean you have some sort of infection/std, and should get it checked out.

I am 36 weeks pregnant with a greenish discharge what could it be?

u got a std go to the dr asap

How do gay males get stds?

Come on, the same way heterosexuals do. By having sex with a person that has a STD.

Is brown discharge just blood I did have rough sex but that was like 3 weeks ago so i'm worried its a symptom of a STD?

Brown discharge is spotting and can result from a lot of things, the fact you had rough sex three weeks ago will not explain this discharge. If concerned you may have an STD then go to your doctor or a sexual health clinic to test, this should be standard practice and you should be getting regular STD screening as well as practicing safer sex when sexually active.

What kind of std do you have if there are flesh color bumps on your vagina and anus and alot of vaginal discharge?

a pretty bad one

Contraception implant in your arm you have had it for nearly 9 months and you have discharge on your paints what does it mean?

Vaginal discharge is the hallmark to STD.. get tested. Brown smelly discharge is Gonnorhea. If it is ordorless brown discharge around the 28th day when your cycle would have been, that is a normal side effect of the treatment and a pant liner should take care of it. It should be less than 2 tablespoons of drainage. If it is more in volume and it's persistent... refrain from sex and get tested for STD.