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Q: What Is the average BAC among fatally injured drinking drivers .16?
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Is the average BAC among fatally injured drinking drivers 16?

Yes, it's about 0.16.

Why Zack die?

He was fatally injured by Shinra troops, while defending Cloud.

How many times more is it likely for intoxicated drivers be involved in a crash or fatally injured than a sober driver?

VERY MANY more times than a sober driver. Being intoxicated greatly weakens your ability to focus on driving.

What will happen if you play dodgeball in a house of mirrors?

Disaster. At least one person will die or be fatally injured.

When was Princess Diana killed in a car crash?

"On 31 August 1997, Diana was fatally injured in a car crash" from wikipedia

How do you spell electricuted?

The correct spelling is "electrocuted." It refers to being fatally injured by electric shock.

How do you use word fatally in a sentence?

fa·tal·lyAdverb1. So as to cause death.2. So as to result in disaster or ruin.3. According to the decree of fate; inevitably.Example:Jimmy had been fatally injured in the accident.

What does the term 'aviation accident' mean?

An aviation accident is an occurrence that takes place on an aircraft where a person is injured, sometimes fatally, and the aircraft is seriously damaged.

Why do your balls hurt after drinking?

Some must have injured you, drinking alone won't cause pain in that area.

How many deer are killed in car accidents each year?

There were 1.5 million collisions with deer in 2009. It is estimated that the vast majority of the deer were fatally injured.

How many people get injured a year while drinking and driving?


Does crona die on soul eater?

no he almost dies but he does makes a full recovery........good to know huh?