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Well, Diabetes happens when your pancreas stops working. When you have Type 1 Diabetes (like me), your pancreas makes no insulin at all. Most people take shots or use an insulin pump. Type 1 Diabetes can not go away. This type usually happens in children. Type 2 Diabetes usually happens in adults. Sometimes Type 2 Diabetes can go away. Most people who have Type 2 can lose weight to end their Diabetes. Most people with this usually take pills instead of shots. :) Hope this helps... :P

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12y ago

Type 1 diabetes is when your pancreas doesn't work and you have to have an inculhin injection to keep your blood sugar levels even. And you have to prick your finger to check the levels of your blood.

Type 2 diabetes is when the pancreas is still working but not efficiently so you can either take tablets or watch your intake of sugars. Eventually type 2 diabetes will probably turn into type 1 diabetes.

Hope this helps xxx

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The types of Diabetes are type 1 with sub type -brittle diabetes, type 2 and juvenile diabetes, type 3 (under research) , and Gestational diabetes during pregnancy.

Can people under twenty have diabetes?

absolutely. There are 2 kinds of diabetes. Type 1 and Type 2.

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Is diabetes able to be passed along to your children?

There is no way to prevent type 1 diabetes. It is genetic. There is no cure for type 1 diabetes. It is commonly passed on to your children. It is genetic. You cannot prevent type 1 diabetes. You can prevent type 2 diabetes with diet and excercise. You can reverse Type 2 diabetes with diet and excercise. Some people are genetically more likely to get diabetes. To prevent type 2 diabetes, eat healthy and excercise. For more information on diabetes go to A person that i know has type 1 diabetes and they had a hard time with it but i am very sorry you can not cure type 1. The scientests at jdrf are tring to find a way to cure it though. What causes type 1 diabetes is when your pancreise fails. The cause of type 2 diabetes is where you are overweight. To cure type 2 you can inprove your diet and exersize. There is no cure to type 1, saddly but scientests are tring to find one. I have type 1 diabetes and if you have any questions, I can answer them with fact, and personal experiance. t get more info about me or diabetes, or to ask me a question aout it go to my site

How old is the youngest have get diabetes?

You can be born with diabetes. It is called Type 1. Type 2 diabetes you get when you are unhealthy and are not eating properly.

Is diabetes 1 more common than diabetes 2?

No , type 1 Diabetes is less common . Out of a percentage of diabetics in the United States, only 10 percent are type 1, whilst the other 90 are type 2.

How do you know if it is a type 1 or type 2 diabetes?

if your horse

What is two types of diabetes?

type 1 and type 2

Types of Diabetes?

There are multiple types of diabetes. Type 1 may also be referred to as jchildhood diabetes. Type 2 is also referred to as adult onset diabetes. The number of children with type 2 is increasing.

Is type 2 diabetes a genetic disease?

Yes. If you have type 2 diabetes, your child is more likely to have it than a child of a person with type 1.

What is a good type of diabetes?

There is NO type of 'good' diabetes, but the one your looking for is probably type 1 diabetes. People are usually born with that type. Type 2 diabetes is the one people get if they're overweight, don't exercise, and they eat junk all the time.