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Q: What Collect data from your friends and neighbours and classmates to know more about milk teeth?
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Are anteaters teeth sharp?

Anteaters do not need teeth they just use a long sticky tongue to collect the ants.

What are the release dates for Phoney Teeth and False Friends - 1916?

Phoney Teeth and False Friends - 1916 was released on: USA: 11 June 1916

What is the thing you use to collect leaves?

You can use a rake to collect leaves. It is a tool with a long handle and a row of projecting teeth for gathering and moving leaves and other debris.

Why do You have canine teeth and your friends don't?

Everyone has canine teeth unless they are congenitally missing (not born with them/ genetic factor).

Which Friends character accidentally over-bleached his teeth?


How are adult piranhas different from babies?

They have bigger teeth. And friends.

What would George Washington's friends say about him?

weird teeth

What actors and actresses appeared in Phoney Teeth and False Friends - 1916?

The cast of Phoney Teeth and False Friends - 1916 includes: Billy Bevan Reggie Morris Gene Rogers

How do you get strenth in pokemon firered?

go to the safari zone and collect the itemball that has the gold teeth in it and give it to the warden

Did it help teeth when braces were invented?

Yes. They did help im pretty sure because if they did not work then we wouldn't be using them from this day! How ever braces do not work on specific teeth all depends on how crooked your teeth are. Personally i have braces and so does my friends and my braces how ever did not work but within a few months my friends teeth was perfect.Hope this helped ;D

Is it possible to get 10 pounds from the tooth fairy?

I would imagine if you have enough teeth fall out you could collect ten pounds.

What are the ratings and certificates for Friends - 1994 The One with Ross' Teeth 6-8?

Friends - 1994 The One with Ross' Teeth 6-8 is rated/received certificates of: Argentina:Atp Hungary:12 Mexico:B Netherlands:AL USA:TV-PG