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ANSWER 1 :could be a lot of things- Lyme disease, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis. A Rheumatologist or a Dr. who specializes in Immunology could probably answer your ?'s.

ANSWER 2 : As the wiki bot has flagged and requests a more comprehensive answer, may I resprctfully add to the above answer. While any of above may well be the problem, it could equally likely be something different. For example it could be osteo-arthritis or chickenpox or else shingles or else something completely different like bedbugs having meals of your blood while you are asleep. The remedy in that case is to address that issue in inspecting your own bedroom, rather than seeking medical treatment. There are so many other possibilities but can we just look at the issue of rashes.

Skin rashes can be difficult to diagnose even by experts, but in general can be either non-infectious, common rashes localized to a particular anatomical areaor produced by fungal or bacterial infection, or insect bites or else widely distributed rashes affecting large portions of your skin!

Whatever, in 95% of cases skin rashes are not signs of any serious medical problem severely endangering your general health and well being, but I submit that proper evaluation of a skin rash really does still require you to visit a doctor or other health-care professional. However you can see pictures of a wide range of skin disorders on the internet by doing a Google or webcrawler search, and if you successfully match up a picture on-line which looks a lot like yours, that could be very helpful in diagnosis of the cause of yours.

But I am not clear in asking this question why are you assuming a blood disorder as necessarily being the cause of somebody having a rash and/or aching joints? The first thing a doctor needs to do in diagnosing the problem involves identifying "a primary feature" of your skin disorder, which your question fails to indicate. This may involve a detailed analysis of your personal medical history. For example have you had chicken-pox. If so you can not get that a second time but you can get shingles, or do your rashes appear at a certain time and place like first thing in morning when you get up etc. etc. There are many other such issues to assess.

Then, other characteristics of the skin disorder do need to be reviewed such as its colour, density, size, consistency, tenderness and then the distribution of the rash on your body can be important in diagnosis since many skin diseases have a predilection to appear in certain body areas.

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Q: What Blood disorders causing rash and aching joints?
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