There are actually 5 divisions of the spine, not 3. The spine is composed of 33 bones 7 Cervical, 12 Thoracic, 5 Lumbar, 5 Sacral, and 4 Coccygeal.
3 main division of science
i think it is Biology,Chemestry and Physics.......
The chemistry of the material in the layers.
arctic ocean, Indian ocean, Atlantic ocean and pacific ocean.
Three main divisions of science are chemistry, physics, and biology.
the 3 divisions of biology is SOIL,BIOLOGY and BIOCHEMISTRY....
There are 3 total divisions. The Central, West, and East.
Pelvic Girdle
There are 3 main divisions in the Phil Gov't namely the Executive Branch, Legislative and Judiciary branch. The department of Justice falls in the Judiciary branch.
lithosphere hydroshpere atmoshpere
Executive, Judicial, and Legislative.