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-central fatigue is feeling of tiredness and a desire to stop (protective mechanism)

-insufficient release of acetylcholine from motor neurons

-depletion of creatine phosphate

-decline of Ca+2 within the sarcoplasm

-insufficient oxygen or glycogen

-buildup of lactic acid and ADP

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Q: What 3 factors at the cellular level that could lead to muscle fatigue?
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A defect in which organelle would cause fatigue?

A defect in the mitochondria, which are responsible for generating energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), could lead to fatigue. Mitochondrial dysfunction can result in decreased energy production, affecting cellular processes that require energy, such as muscle contraction and nerve signal transmission, leading to fatigue.

What explanations can you think of for pseudo-fatigue?

Pseudo-fatigue could be due to factors such as mental tiredness, lack of motivation, or poor sleep quality. It could also be a result of stress, dehydration, or overtraining without adequate recovery time. Additionally, certain medical conditions or medication side effects could contribute to feelings of pseudo-fatigue.

Is there an illness that causes severe fatigue and muscle aches in a person over 50?

Yes, conditions like fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and hypothyroidism can cause severe fatigue and muscle aches in people over 50. Additionally, other health conditions such as anemia, depression, and certain infections may also present with these symptoms. It is important to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

What are advantages of having good muscle tone?

You will be less fatigued by strenuous exercise, and depending on your workout schedule and or/lifestyle/job situation, you could really get things done. Good muscle tone also promotes good posture which also helps fend off fatigue, muscle imbalances, and reduces the chances of injury.

What could cause pain in a person's legs?

Many different things can cause pain in a person's legs. Some of these things can include injuries, fatigue, muscle cramps, medical problems, and blood clots.

Can swollen right ankle and tight skin followed by calf muscle pain just be from fatigue -I.e. Prolonged standing?

Yes, it could be the cause, especially in older people. But there could be other causes as well. If you still have it after a week, see your doctor.

Can fatigue be fatal?

Severe fatigue can be fatal. Fatigue is essentially a lack of nutrients and necessary substances in the body, and severe fatigue could cause the shut-down of major organs, causing death.

What would happen to the cellular level if vegetarians didn't consume all the amino acids they need?

Different amino acids and proteins serve different suposes to the body and to the cells of the body. Proteins are the key component to building muscle. Amino acids and proteins also allow for transport of materials in and out of the cellular membrane. If not working properly, harmful substances usually blocked could enter the cell, or waste could build up within the cell, both of which would cause damage to the cell and/or surrounding cells and membranes. A lack of proper nutrition can also cause fatigue and weakness of the cells.

What could be a chemical cause of fatigue?

A chemical cause of fatigue could be imbalances in neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine, which play a role in regulating energy levels and mood. Additionally, low levels of important nutrients like iron or vitamin D can also lead to feelings of fatigue. Hormonal imbalances, such as low thyroid hormone levels, can also contribute to fatigue.

Inhibition of cellular enzymes could potnetially lead to?

inhibition of cellular enzymes could potentially lead to?

Does adderall mask symptoms of hypothyroidism?

It could improve mental sluggishness but not the physical symptoms like severe fatigue, weight gain, muscle pain, dry skin, constipation, pale, dry skin and cold intolerance.

Why does your eyebrow twitch apparently its because of over-sugar but is that true?

Muscle spasms or twitches are also caused by fatigue. Of course, it could also just be because of a nerve occasionally misfiring, which is common. Not neccessarily because of sugar.