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Q: Were does swin flu come from?
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Related questions

Does Hannah Montana have swin flu?

No, she does not have swine flu

If you kiss a pig will you get Swine Flu?

it matters if it has the swin flu

Can we prevent swin flu?

Not anymore, No.

What is the other word for swin flu?

Influenza A virus subtype H1N1

You are on the tamiflo for swin flu and you are getting pain in your chest wot do you do?

nothin, your a gorna

When can you go out after recovery from swin flu?

24 hours, that's what the doctors said, i got swine flu. =[ im ok now. =]

How long is a person with swin flu contagious?

it takes 3 or 4 days to not be contagious

Should i go back to the doctor i went to the doc on Tuesday the said i have swin flu and put me on Tamiflu and now i feel worse shold i go back thanks?

i thnk no because they told you you had swine flu and its eventually going to get worse come on its a disese

Are you all going to die of swin flu?

Less than 1 person in 1000 who gets swine flue dies from it.

What is Swin Cash's birthday?

Swin Cash was born on September 22, 1979.

When was Swin Cash born?

Swin Cash was born on September 22, 1979.

How old is Swin Cash?

Swin Cash is 31 years old (birthdate: September 22, 1979).