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Unethical. Period.

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What is ethical and unethical workplace behavior?

what is considered unethical in a nurses practice or behavior

Is it ethical or unethical to experiment on unaware soldiers?

This is highly unethical - humans have the right to know what is being done to them. However, there are some arguments for this being ethically acceptable, mostly based upon the volunteer status of the military in the United States.

Is Phishing ethical?

It is not only unethical, it is also illegal.

How is taking office supplies home fro personal use ethical or unethical?

It's unethical because it is stealing.

Is there anything unethical about contradictionary positions?

Not if you use them for ethical reasons.

Is gift-giving ethical or unethical?

it depends upon the situation,,

Is The Odyssey ethical or unethical?

The Odyssey can be seen as both ethical and unethical. Some may argue that the themes of loyalty, perseverance, and justice portrayed in the epic poem promote ethical behavior. However, the violent and vengeful actions of the characters, such as Odysseus' treatment of the suitors, could be viewed as unethical. Ultimately, interpretations of the ethics in The Odyssey may vary depending on individual perspectives.

Is it ethical for a doctor to wait 3 or more years to send a bill?

It is neither ethical or unethical. It is strictly economics.

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Is buying competitors garbage legal ans ethical?

Unethical and Illegal

How can one reduce unethical behavior in business?

Employ ethical audits

Do you believe that it is ethical or unethical to deceive people about the purposes of research studies?

it is important