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More like it just faded away (out of silliness),

but you still hear references to it in literature ... and some old surgeons.

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Q: Was the theory of 4 humors thrown out?
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Why could the 4 humors theory be wrong?

It has no scientific basis.

What is the theory of the humors?

The theory of the humors is an ancient medical concept that suggests the human body is influenced by four bodily fluids - blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile. According to this theory, an imbalance in these bodily fluids was believed to cause disease and personality traits. These ideas were popular in ancient Greek and Roman medicine.

What is the Hippocrates humoral theory?

Hippocrates believed that the human body was controlled by four humors, phlegm, black bile, yellow bile and blood. Illnesses were caused by an imbalance of the humors.

When did Hippocrates find the 4 humors?

No, Hippocrates did!

Which of the four humors did people believe led to a melancholic personality?

The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates first popularize the theory that humors in the body contributed to the temperament of people. Melancholia was it was believed to be caused by an excess of black bile.

What are 4 humors?

Black bile, yellow bile, phlegm and blood.

When did Hippocrates discover the 4 humors?

Hippocrates discovered medicine in 400s BC.

What is basic to unani-tibbi?

Basic to the theory is the concept of the "four humors." These are Dum (blood), Bulghum (phlegm), Sufra (yellow bile), and Sauda (black bile).

What did people think or do before germ theory?

Most people believed that diseases were caused by miasma (bad air), the alignment of the stars, the four humors & a punishment from god.

Can a theory change over time?

yes, as more things are learned theories can be modified (theory of evolution) also sometimes theories can be thrown out (the theory that the earth is flat)

What rhymes with tumors?


What were the 4 humors during the renissance?

The four humors during the Renaissance were blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile. It was believed that an imbalance of these bodily fluids in a person could cause illness.