Strep throat is a bacterial infection, the others are viral. "Strep" in Strep throat stands for Streptococcus, which is the name of the type of bacteria that cause this infection and sore throat.
Strep throat is more common in India and China. Because these countries are crowded and have more population.
strep throat
Strep throat is caused by Group A Streptococcus bacteria. It is the most common bacterial infection of the throat. Now that I Think about ive never HAD.......
untied states
"Strep" is short for a genus of Gram-positive cocci called Streptococcus. Usually, the most common bacteria causing a throat infection (i.e. "strep" throat) is Streptococcus pyogenes.
One can catch strep throat at any age.
if you get strep throat then you probably swallowed the strep throat bacteria
Strep throat.