Molly Meldrum is an avid advocate AGAINST drug use and he has NEVER been a drug addict!
Molly Meldrum was born on 1943-01-29.
Molly Meldrum's son is called Morgan - he is adopted.
No but she is dating
Yes he has a son
Drug addict is the correct spelling. A drug addict suffers from drug addiction.
It is rumored that Jeff Fatt is gay and dating fellow Wiggles performer Ian Molly Meldrum. This is just a rumor and has not been confirmed in interviews.
no Jeff Fatt is not gay.
Molly Malone, made famous in an Irish song, was a mythical figure, so she never existed.
Yes they are a couple and have been for 4 years.
that is my question is Ashly Cole a drug addict
surely there are more important things to worry about?