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The brachial plexus may be compressed - this is a common symptom of thoracic outlet syndrome, and is prevalent in women, body builders, and people who have suffered neck injury (such a whiplash). Physical therapy can provide some relief, although extreme cases may require brachial decompression surgery.

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Q: WHY DOES MY Neck causes pin and needles in left arm?
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What causes pins and needles in left arm right down to your fingers and cramp?

When you stop the blood flow and then let the blood back into your arm you get pins and needles, it can be caused by learning on it.

What causes upper back pain and left arm aches no chest pain?

neck and left arm aches related to angina ,

What causes a heavy shooting dull pain in left arm from neck to elbow?

It could be a heart attack.

What causes pins and needles in the right arm?

Lack of movement!!

Im 19 weeks 2 days pregnant and get pins and needles in your Left arm and hand Is this normal?

It's common. It's caused by odema (swelling, water retention) that put pressure on the nerves that go through the arm and hand. That is what causes pins, needles and pain. See your doctor and get a splint to wear.

What causes a constant pins and needles whilst pregnant?

Acupuncture. Or maybe you fell asleep on your arm again.

Why cardiac pain referred to left arm and neck?

There is a nerve which connects all three, so when felt in the heart the signal travels to these other areas

What hurts worse neck or arm tattoo?

it depends where you have it on your arm the neck hurts more than the bottom of your arm, but the top of your arm hurts more than your neck.

Why does Kevin laue have one arm?

While in the womb,his umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck and left arm, which cut off the blood flow to the arm which saved his life.

What is the correct way to hold a pig for a injection?

from your wrist to your elbow on your right arm lay the pig on your arm just under its neck and your left arm just under its behind.

Where can you find your rate on your body?

if you are looking for you heart rate then you can find it on one of the following places: your neck your right arm your left arm i hope this helps!

What causes right arm neck and jaw pain?

Could be heart related, go to your primary care physician.