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Q: WHAT life insurance covers dialysis patients?
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What kind of insurance does Banner Life Insurance offer?

Banner Life Insurance offer life insurance services. They offer Term Life Insurance which covers a person for a specific time and Universal Life Insurance which covers one for life.

What are some of the risks that life insurance covers?

LIfe Insurance policies cover against unfortunate eventuality of the policy holder, whereas for non-life sectors (including Health Insurance) there are General Insurance Companies offering various covers.

What is the difference between term and whole life insurance if there is any?

The difference between term life insurance and whole life insurance is that a term policy covers the insured for a "term of years" whereas a whole insurance policy covers the insured for the entire life period.

What are the terms for vaiable life insurance?

You should consider life insurance that covers you for the amount you need. Term life insurance is one form of coverage.

Which companies offer life insurance for cancer patients?

Most traditional life insurance companies don't offer insurance for cancer patients. Benefit House Insurance Services offers such services, but it may be worth it to investigate many insurance companies to see what the options are.

What 's a term life insurance?

Term life insurance is a type of life insurance that covers an insured for a specified period of time. The best example of this is flight insurance - a term policy that covers you only while during the plane trip. As a comparison, term life insurance is usually cheaper that whole life insurance as whole life builds cash value that you can borrow against, while term insurance does not provide this.

Will life insurance pay out if I die from autoimmune disease in the joints?

Life insurance covers death by any causes not specifically excluded. That generally means they don't cover suicide. Life insurance covers death by natural causes, i.e a disease.

Accidental life insurance covers death by homicide?

Your life insurance policy should contain a provision that stipulates if the policy covers death by homicide. It really varies from policy to policy, depends on the insurance company, etc.

What does travel insurance cover?

Travel insurance covers a wide variety of events. The insurance covers trip cancellation if travelling by air, luggage loss and loss of life if applicable.

What does AARP insurance cover?

AARP insurance covers everything from life insurance to car insurance. You an also get plans for medical insurance through them.

What is the difference between a term life insurance and an universal life insurance?

A term life insurance policy is a basic protection that covers expenses in case of an accidental death, it will sometimes cover debilitating injuries, but only briefly. A universal insurance policy covers a wider category and can sometimes be cashed in.

Can't all patients that have terminal kidney disease go on dialysis?

No. Dialysis is very expensive and few people could actually afford it out of their own finances. Most insurance companies only cover dialysis for acute (temporary) illnesses. Once a patient goes on dialysis for a chronic problem, he/she will have to use dialysis for the rest of their lives (or until they get a transplant). A persons kidneys remove waste and toxins 24/7. Dialysis only works when the patient is hooked to the machine. Thus, the body is subject to alternating high and low levels of salt, waste, poison in the blood. This causes damage to the other parts of the body and does not address the root problem of the kidney failure. For those who are sick enough to have failing kidneys, this high and low levels can actually harm them. Some patients are not strong enough to handle the process of being hooked up to the machines all day. For other patients it is a quality of live versus quantity of life issue. Since dialysis eventually fails for all patients it is not a cure - it only buys some extra time. For some patients it is better to be off daily dialysis for a few months then suffer daily dialysis for several months. In short some people can not go on dialysis because of a lack of funding, for some it does more harm, some are not strong enough to handle dialysis, for many it does not help the condition, and for many dialysis does not add enough time to overcome the loss of quality living.