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It may result to cyanosis or lack of oxygenated blood in the system.

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Q: Very low hemoglobin will result to what?
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Can low hemoglobin cause a person to vomit black stuff?

It's the other way around. The black stuff is termed "coffee grounds emesis", and is the result of intestinal bleeding. It is the bleeding that is the cause of the low hemoglobin.

What happens if hemoglobin is very low?

No energy, hard to think, fever, terrible, terrible headache. Source: My experience, I went into the hospital with a hemoglobin level of 4.5. Doctors couldn't believe I was still conscious and walking around.

What does a low HDW mean in blood tests?

HDW, or hemoglobin distribution width, measure hemoglobin heterogeneity. Anemia's and vitamin deficiencies can result in lower than normal levels. If levels are low, further testing is done to determine the exact cause.

What color does your skin turn when hemoglobin is low?

It highly depend on the circumstance. Some bacteria will destroy the hemoglobin, and thus the hemolyzed blood appears transparents, whereas other process will only destroy the hemoglobin wall and thus liberating the hemoglobin, which is then pale cherry roughly in color.

Is asthma related to high hemoglobin?

No, asthma is related to low hemoglobin.

Can you have leukemia with low hemoglobin?

Yes, of course! Low Hemoglobin means anemia, and it is said that "there are not leukemia without anemia"

Where do the blood go if you have a transfusion but your hemoglobin is still low?

Hemoglobin is the fluid that transports blood cells. If you get a transfusion of red blood cells, they would be in the hemoglobin even if it is low.

Can Hemoglobin Levels cause HIV?

HIV is a virus that causes AIDS. It does not result from abnormal hemoglobin or abnormal hemoglobin levels.

What is hypolipedemia?

Low hemoglobin level

What part of the blood cell carries oxygen?


What is a word for abnormally low of hemoglobin?

An abnormally low quantity of hemoglobin in the blood is called anemia. Anemia also refers to a low red blood cell count.