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artery is part of the lungs

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

The blood flows through the artery.

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Q: Use Artery in a sentence
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How do you use artery in a sentence?

An artery is a thing in my body. Make it more descriptive tho. :)

How do you use basilar in a sentence?

"The basilar artery is vital to the brain."

How do you use coronary in a meaningful sentence?

A coronary is an artery that surrounds the heart. A good sentence would be, the doctor discovered her coronary was clogged.

Should the a in artery be capitalized?

No, use a small 'a', even for an arterial name such as 'carotid artery'.

What is a sentence using the word coronary?

The men died when his cononary artery burst

A sentence using the word pulmonary?

A ruptured pulmonary artery is a serious problem

Which artery is used for feeling the pulse in the neck?

The carotid artery, but this is only for an unconscious adult. For all other instances use the brachial artery located on the wrist.

When to use the facial artery pulse?

if you are a horse

How do you do pressure on the supplying artery?

the use of this technique is to temporarily compresses the main artery against the underlying bone and nearby tissues \.. use the flat surface of your finger not the fingertips to close the artery.. move the four fingers towards the thumb(opposite side)..

Using the word vein in a sentence?

I hope that this vein leads to the mother lode! A vein is different from an artery.

What is a good sentence using the word artery?

'The main artery in your body is connected directly to the heart.' P.S. Sorry if it's not the best, but I'm just trying to answer some questions with my spare time.

How do you use aneurysm in a sentence?

The clown had an ANEURYSM while I was dancing with him. An aneurysm is not to be confused with a tumor.