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When i first started to spot i thought i had a miscarrige.But i ended really being pregnant. See if u bleed it all depends on your cyle.

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Q: Trying get pregnant a wk now we started when my peak time for ovulation was Jan 9 and we been trying ever since Jan 10th. Had light pink spot now an irregular period am i pregnant?
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Is ovulation a good or bad thing?

Ovulation is a good thing if a woman is trying to get pregnant. Ovulation is necessary for "natural" pregnancy.

When can alady get pregnant?

well if your trying to become pregnant the best thing to do is get a ovulation test and use that or u can go 14 days after the first full flow of your period its best if you have sex before and during your ovulation.

It's long that I am trying to get pregnant Though there was ovulation last month but no fertilization this cycle also ovulation occured but how can i increase my chances of pregnancy?

You and your partner need to get a fertility test.

How long after the end of your period can you get pregnant?

you can not get pregnant while you have your period. you can only get pregnant when you are ovulating. ovulation happens about two weeks after your last period. if you are trying for a baby then the doctors can tell you when you are ovulating

What does Week straight on ovulation tests?

This means that this is the week you want to try to get pregnant, so you and your partner will be trying to make a baby.

Ovulation is the 16th can you get pregnant the 13th?

Yes. Its always good to have sex 2-3 days before you ovulate, the day you ovulate and 2 days after if your trying to get pregnant.

Is it possible to get pregnant even if you have missed your period for about 10 months and it still does not come also are you still ovulating in the time that you miss your period?

YES!! In my early twenties I hadn't gotten a period in about a year and I got pregnant for my first daughter. We now have four children and are trying for number five. When periods are irregular ovulation is still very possible; however difficult to predict. I would suggest perhaps investing in an ovulation predictor kit. Good Luck!!

If you are trying to get pregnant and the day after ovulation you drank too much and got sick can the alcohol or vomiting affect conception chances?

This shouldn't affect your chances of conceiving. Just remember not to do this once you are pregnant.

We lost a baby about a year ago and have been trying ever since then your periods are irregular some months and some it is on time how can you get pregnant?

In our case, the pharmacist made some estrogen suppositories that were inserted in the birth canal at certain regular times. This made the ovulation period much more dependable and healthy. Pregnancy followed.

Should you take primolut n after ovulation while trying to get pregnant?

It is Progesterone, witch is normally secreted by so called white body(Corpus lute-um.) after ovulation,. If your Doctor has prescribed, please take it. You may need it. (Best of luck !)

You have pcos and have been trying to get pregnant for nearly 2years now what can you do to help you get pregnant as your periods come and go as they please its usually around the 6week mark?

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a big pain when it comes to trying to conceive. Personally with myself, I used to have a very light bleed during ovulation. If this does not happen for you, I'd suggest using ovulation kits to try help your chances of determining ovulation and conceiving. Another alternative you have is fertility drugs, but I'd suggest going to your doctor and have him explain the different types available for you. Since you've been trying for two years, he should not hesitate in giving them to you. Another fun but maybe trying solution is just having sex every night so you do not miss your ovulation cycle.

Could you be pregnant if you spot on your ovulation days?

It is possible to become pregnant if you spot on your ovulation days although it is not likely. Ovulation spotting is a sign that you have recently released an egg and it is possible to conceive if an egg is fertilized. There are a few steps you can take to increase your chances of becoming pregnant if you are spotting on your ovulation days: Track your cycle and ovulation carefully to determine the exact day of ovulation. Have intercourse on the day of ovulation or even a few days before as sperm can survive in the body for several days. Be sure to have intercourse frequently during your most fertile days. Eat a balanced diet and take a multivitamin to ensure you are getting all the necessary nutrients for conception.It is important to remember that spotting on your ovulation days may not be an accurate indicator of fertility and that other factors such as lifestyle and health may affect your chances of getting pregnant. If you are trying to conceive it is important to speak to your doctor to discuss your options.