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You can get chlamydia again if you were reinfected after treatment. You must abstain until seven days after both partners start treatment.

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Q: Treated for chlamydia at the same time as partner how do I have it again?
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What is the treatment for chlamydia in pregnant women and can the partner get treated without testing?

Typical treatment in pregnancy is one gram of azithromycin -- the same treatment for non-pregnant people with chlamydia. In many states, the partner can be treated without an exam, but laws vary from state to state. Ask your OBGYN about the possibility in your area.

Does the same medication cure chlamydia and trichomoniasis?

Chlamydia and trichomoniasis must be treated with different medications. There is no medication that cures both, as the germs are so different from each other.

Can you get chlamydia and transmit it to a partner and both show symptoms about the same time a year later?

Yes it is possible, but it's a tremendous coincidence.

Why were you and boyfriend treated differently for chlamydia?

Chlamydia trachomatis treatment is commonly with medicines such as doxycycline or azithromycin. It is mandatory that the partner is also tested and treated at the same time because otherwise it is very likely to get re-infected. Also, sexual relations should be avoided until the treatment is finished. Treatment is normally administered orally, especially in men but severe infections in women might require hospitalization. In the end, male treatment for Chlamydia is not different than the treatment that women receive but it is mandatory to be given as soon as possible to avoid possible unwanted complications.

Can you get chlamydia and get pregnant at the same time?

Yes, you can get pregnant and catch chlamydia at the same time.

Is chlamydia the same as rabies?

Chlamydia is completely different from rabies.

Can only one partner have chlamydia?

Few infectious diseases are transmitted after 100% of exposures. In the case of chlamydia, estimates are that there's a 40-50% chance of getting it from any episode of vaginal sex with an infected partner. This can do with various factors. For instance, the presence of another infectious disease (like herpes) can be a "window of opportunity" for a second infectious disease to enter. Our bodies, and the "shedding" schedule of a present virus or disease have a lot to do with it too. Basically, just luck.Also, it could be a false-positive or false-negative result.It's possible that an intervening antibiotic prescription for some other purpose, such as amoxicillin for sinusitis or doxycycline for Lyme disease, could have cleared the infection in one person before they even knew they had it.In addition, a certain percentage of people clear chlamydia without treatment. The infection may still have done damage before the immune system cleared it.A few people may have a temporary mild immunity to chlamydia after recent infection, so it's possible that one person just had a little more immune protection against the infection than the other.The important points to remember:Due to the risk of undetected chlamydia, partners of patients who test positive for chlamydia may be treated.While couples facing an STD should have a frank discussion about monogamy, you cannot assume that one partner has been unfaithful just because one has a positive chlamydia test and the other doesn't.

If you test negative for chlamydia are you good to go?

Both partners should be tested; you should not assume that you are negative for STDs based on your partner's test. Various situations can lead to one partner being negative and another positive. Don't take a chance.

Can you get chlamydia from a bird?

The chlamydia infection spread through birds is not the same as chlamydia spread by sex. They are caused by different bacteria.

How are Latinos affected by chlamydia?

Chlamydia affects Latinos she same as any other group; chlamydia can lead to sterility or PID.

Is chlamydia curable if you had it for a long time?

Chlamydia is bacterial, and, like so many bacterial illnesses, it can be cured with antibiotics.

What if you had chlamydia for two years?

If you had chlamydia for a long period, you may have experienced complications of chlamydia such as pelvic inflammatory disease or epididymitis. Most people with chlamydia do not experience long-term complications. Talk to your health care provider for advice specific to your situation.