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Q: Time after which a woman no longer produces eggs?
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How many eggs do female flies produce?

a fly produces 120 eggs at a time

How many eggs that a horse produces each time?

Horses do not produce eggs they give live birth

HOW MANY eggs the fish produces each time?

sam steers

How many eggs does a 27 year old woman have?

A woman is born with all the eggs she will ever have. By the time a woman reaches 27 years old, she will have fewer eggs available compared to when she was younger. However, the exact number of eggs varies for each woman and decreases over time due to natural biological processes.

If you want hard yolk poached eggs do you cook longer or shorter time?


How can a woman produce eggs to concieve?

no. women are born with all eggs they need. however, if an egg gets fertilized, the woman will reproduce offspring. (aka children)

What is the organ that produces eggs in humans?


What produces human eggs cells?

Technically speaking, the female's mother. When a woman is born, she already has all of her eggs that she will need already in her ovaries. Although she does not start releasing them until puberty.

Can the ducks lay eggs in harvest moon ds?

Yea it just takes them a longer time than chickens to lay eggs

Eggs first develop in a woman?

A woman's eggs are developed before their birth. A woman is actually born with all of the eggs she will ever have.

How many eggs ovary produces reproductive system?

An ovary typically releases one egg each month during the reproductive years. The exact number of eggs produced by the ovaries varies but the average woman is born with around 1-2 million eggs. This number decreases over time and by menopause the ovaries may not produce any more viable eggs.

How many eggs the mammals produces each time?

The only mammals that produce eggs are duck-billed platypus and Echidnas and they appear to produce 2 each year.