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This body system that is responsible for the exchange of gases between the blood and the external environment.

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Q: This body system is responsible for the exchange of gases between the blood and the external environment?
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External respiration involves?

External respiration is the exchange of gases between each lung and blood. It involves inhaling gases from the organisms external environment, and then exhaling the gases back out.

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The respiratory system is responsible for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the body and the environment.

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Define external respiration?

External respiration is the process by which oxygen is taken in from the external environment and carbon dioxide is expelled from the body. It occurs in the lungs where oxygen from the air is exchanged with carbon dioxide from the blood in the alveoli. This process is essential for providing oxygen to the body's cells and removing waste carbon dioxide.

What is the fluid link between the external and internal environment?

The fluid link between the external and internal environment is the plasma membrane of cells. It acts as a selectively permeable barrier that regulates the passage of substances in and out of the cell, maintaining the cell's internal environment while interacting with the external environment.

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What are the differences between internal and external environment?

The differences between internal and external environment is: Internal environment involve within the organization, which are the employee attitudes,new equipment,strategy,work forces. The organization has the control of these matters because it happen within the organization unless like external environment. AND for the external environment,is clearly stated with the word external itself which means outside of the organizations which effect the changes in the organization which the organization does not have the control of it. External environment are involved by the PESTLE- Politic, Economy, Social, Technology, Legal and Environment.

What is the effects of the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between internal leaf cells and the external environment?

The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between internal leaf cells and the external environment is crucial for photosynthesis and respiration. During photosynthesis, cells take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen, while during respiration, cells take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide. This exchange allows plants to produce energy and oxygen while removing carbon dioxide from the air.

What Keeps the bodys internal environment distinct from the external environment?

The body's internal environment is distinct from the external environment due to physiological processes such as homeostasis, which regulates factors like temperature, pH, and nutrient levels. Specialized structures like cell membranes, the blood-brain barrier, and the skin also help maintain this distinction by controlling the exchange of substances between the two environments. The body's ability to selectively absorb, excrete, and regulate the concentration of substances further reinforces the boundaries between internal and external environments.

What human organ system exchange gases between the blood and the environment?

The respiratory system is responsible for exchanging gases between the blood and the environment. This process occurs in the alveoli of the lungs, where oxygen is taken up by the blood and carbon dioxide is released from the blood to be exhaled.