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these muscles can move in your stomach in not a referable question pleese comment

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14y ago

Skeletal muscles. They can move food into your stomach. Of course I am only 12. But I'm right. I looked it up on

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12y ago

smooth muscles in the stomach

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Q: These muscles can move food in your stomach?
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Do muscles move food through your stomach?

Yes, the muscles squeeze the food through the digestive system :)

What is the function of the ossophagus?

The function of the esophagus is to move food from the mouth to te stomach. It is muscles that move the swallowed food slowly down and into your stomach

What is a pyloric cecum?

Its a ring of muscles that move an animals food through its stomach and intestines.

Are the stomach muscles the same as the muscles that mix the food and gastric juice?

No. The stomach muscles are what people call the abs or six pack and they are on the outside of the abdomen. The other muscles are part of the digestive tract itself. These muscles are smooth muscles and you don't have to think to make them move. But the others are called striated muscles. You have to think to make these move.

What are 3 types of smooth muscles?

move blood through the blood vessels, move food through the stomach, and move waste out of the body

Where are two other places that the food can go down?

muscles lining the esophagus move in a wavelike motion, oushing the food through the esophagus and into the stomach

How does the food move down the esophagus?

The food moves in the food pipe because muscles push it down into the stomach.

What muscles move food through the digestive system?

The Esophagus, tongue, stomach, small and large intestines, and the rectum are the major muscles in the digestive system

What does the internal muscles do?

All muscles are internal. Presumably you mean the heart that pumps blood, the stomach that breaks up food, and small intestines that use peristalsis to move food through the small intestine.

What happens in pharynx?

The muscles in the esophagus move the food down into the stomach.

What are 2 ways food is broken down in the stomach?

Food is broken down in the stomach through mechanical digestion, where the muscles of the stomach contract to churn and mix food with digestive juices. Chemical digestion also occurs in the stomach, where digestive enzymes break down proteins and other macromolecules into smaller nutrients that can be absorbed.

What do you call the movement that pushes the food from the esophagus to the stomach?

Peristalsis is the movement that pushes food from the esophagus to the stomach. It involves coordinated contractions of muscles that help move food down the digestive tract.