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Q: The stage of sleep during which muscle function is almost entirely shut down is?
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the tunica media consists almost entirely of smooth muscle why?

What is the strongest muscle group?

the heart, almost entirely made of muscle; strong enough to lift approx. 3000lbs

What is the function of the soleus muscle?

The soleus muscle is the big muscle at the back of the calf. This muscle is what supports the leg during walking, standing, and running.

What is the function of the trachealis muscle?

The primary function of the trachealis muscle is to constrict the trachea, allowing air to be expelled with more force e.g. during coughing.

What is the function role of t tubules?

Enhance cellular communication passage for nervous stimulation during muscle contraction.

What is isokinetic peak-torque?

Isokinetic peak torque refers to the maximum amount of force that a muscle can generate at a constant speed during an isokinetic muscle contraction. It is commonly measured during strength testing to assess muscle function and performance.

What tissue's major function is to contract?

The muscle tissue's main function is to contract.

What are the main function of the muscle?

the muscle are to move the bone.

What is the function of the epicranial aponeurosis?

attachements of muscle to muscle

What is the function of that muscle?

to complete the function commanded by the brain

What happens when a nerve does not signal a muscle?

When a nerve does not signal a muscle, the muscle will not receive the message to contract and therefore will not move or function properly. This can lead to muscle weakness, paralysis, or loss of function in the affected area. It is important for nerve-muscle signaling to be intact for normal movement and function.

What is the main function of muscle cells?

involuntary muscle movements