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Q: The number of people waiting for an organ transplants keeps increasing. True or False?
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How many people are waiting to have transplants?

depends on the transplant?

What is the number of people receiving transplants?

As of 2020, there are approximately 39,000 organ transplants performed each year in the United States, with kidney transplants being the most common. This number fluctuates annually depending on organ availability and medical advancements.

How many people have a kidney transplant a year?

It depends overall what country you live in. The u.s, have a larger population, has many more people on the waiting list than canada. It also depends how crucial your problem is. If you are about to die, then it is more likely that you will get put higher on the waiting list then others.

Why do people have transplants?

people have transplants because their organs have problems there for they need new ones to help them survive or else they will die.

What is the current overall number of American candidates waiting for an organ transplant?

116,857 people are waiting for an organ

Is the number of people worldwide who have diabetes increasing?

yes it is

How many people need heart transplants each year?

2,192 heart transplants were done in 2006

What are the number deaths of due to transplants?

not alot of people die due to transplants. they usually loose the part they transplaneted for example if a woman got her breasts done and it went horribly wrong then she would loose the transplant and the rest of her breast.

What problems do the number of donors and the number of people receiving transplants and the number of people on the transplant list show?

Because few people donate their organs, the list of people on the transplant list exceed the supply. If more doners join the doner list more people will benefit.

What is the main cause of heart transplants in the United States?

The main cause of heart transplants is people needing a new heart.

Why is there a waiting list for heart transplants?

You need to wait until a heart becomes available (someone dies and still has a reusable heart). The waiting list is a way of establishing an ethical system of who gets a heart next without giving priority to people who are considered wealthy or more important than others.

Can people have lung transplants?

Yes , was one of the first transplants 100% win. Both lungs can be replaced in a row,with proper compatibility tests.