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vitamin D

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Lack of vitamin b?

Beriberi is caused by a lack of vitamin B1, pellagra by a lack of vitamin B3, while pernicious anemia is due to a lack of vitamin B12. A lack of Vitamin B is simply called a Vitamin B Deficiency.

What deficiency diseases are caused due to lack of vitamin e?

The deficiency of vitamin E is very rare. But still it may cause haemolytic anaemia.

If you suffer night blindness you may lack what vitamin which is stored in the liver?

Vitamin A

What happens if there is a lack of vitamin e?

For humans, nothing. (It may well be a vitamin for rats.)

What happens to a person who does not have sufficient vitamin A and vitamin C?

Without sufficient vitamin A, a person may experience night blindness, impaired immune function, and skin issues. Inadequate vitamin C can lead to scurvy, characterized by weakness, anemia, gum disease, and skin problems. Both vitamins are essential for overall health and wellbeing.

When sick what vitamins do you lack?

Sickness may be due to pathogen and not deficiency of vitamins.Each vitamin deficiency leads to specific night blindness due to lack of vitamin A and E,rickets due to lack of vitamin C etc. which is not sickness.

Can Vitamin C cause side effects?

Improve The first symptom that you would notice in a person with a vitamin C deficiency is bleeding gums. Lack of vitamin C causes a disease known as scurvy, which if it is not treated by vitamin C will become fatal. People cannot live without vitamin C in their diet.

Bleeding disorders often result from a lack of what vitamin?

Vitamin K aids the formation of proteins for blood clotting.

What vitamin deficiency may be a possible cause of neurological amnesia?

Vitamin B

What diseases may lack of carrot cause?

The main disease that lack of carrots can cause is blindness.

In a 59 year old female what could cause extreme sensitivity and prickly feelings in fingers and hands?

May be a disorder on the peripheric, micro-circulation, or may be something related to a neurological disorder, like excess of vitamin B6, or lack of vitamin B12. You can get help either of an angiologist or a neurologist.

What may be the Deficiency disease caused due to lack of nutrition in apple?

scurvy, from vitamin C deficiency