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Q: The juice of what plant is commonly applied to burnt or damaged skin?
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What do you put in your hair when you use lemon juice so it doesn't get damaged?

yes it will get damaged by the acid in the lemon juice

Does burnt fat make you fat?

Burnt fat will make you fat but after a period of time you will see a difference

How is Or applied in sentence?

Do you like apple juice or cranberry juice? The damage was either an accident, or it was deliberate vandalism.

What would you use for a juice can - milliliters or kiloliters?

Juice cans are commonly measured in ml.

why does vape taste burnt๏ผŸ?

Your disposable vape tastes burnt because there is insufficient e juice on the wick of your vape. This can cause the wick to combust, resulting in a burnt taste in your mouth. If you're a vaper, there's a good chance you've experienced the dreaded burnt taste from time to time.

What will happen when tamarind juice is applied on clothes?

when juice is spilled on clothes the juice will soak through sometimes leaving a stain say likes its black currant others will probably be able to be washed out...

What would happen if there is a highly unusual severe frost and much of the juice orange crop is damaged?

Prices on orange juice would go up. Grocery stores would get orange juice from places that did not have a severe frost.

What brand of lemon juice is close to the real thing?

All bottled lemon juices are from a concentrate that has been diluted again. So none of them really come close, for cookery purposes. However for cleaning purposes, bottled lemon juice is just fine (it's useful for getting burnt stuff off pans - pour in enough lemon juice to cover any burnt bits and boil for 30 minutes).

Why use lemon juice in any recipe?

Lemon juice when applied to peeled apples stops them turning brown and adds sharpness to an insipid eating apple.

Which class of lever can be to ased to increase the force applied to the resistance?

mr.hanky likes orange juice

What does daiquiris mean?

Correctly a trade name for rum. commonly used for a mixture of rum and fresh lime juice, or other fruit juice.

What is the most commonly used drug that helps HIV?

Carrot juice