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Q: The heart is medial to the lung?
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Is the heart medial or lateral to left lung?

Yes, the heart is medial to the ribs. The ribs are lateral to the heart.

Why does the left lung have a notch at its inferior medial end?

The left lung has a cardiac notch at its inferior medial end to accommodate the position of the heart. This notch allows space for the heart to fit into the left lung, preventing compression of the heart by the lung during breathing movements.

Which organ makes a concave impression on the medial side of the left lung?


Does the left lung lie lateral to the heart?

Medial basically refers to being in the middle. Lateral basically refers to on or at the sides. The lungs are located on either side of the heart, so they are lateral to the heart.

Do the lungs lie medial to the heart?

The heart is both medial AND deep to the lungs.

What is Medial surface of heart and gallbladder?

What is Medial surface of heart

Is the heart medial?

When using terms such as medial, distal, etc, you must have another objest to compare the object to. For example, the heart is medial to the axilary region (tip of shoulder). It is quite likely that the heart is "medial."

Is the heart medial to the thoracic vertebrae?

Yes the heart is medial to the thoracic vertebrae, and superior to the diaphragm

What is the indentation on the medial side of each lung called?


Is the heart medial to the lungs?

yes it is

What is the insertion of the primary muscle used during a lung?

medial surface of the tibia

What is the heart-lung machine called?

Heart-lung machine