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Q: The following chemcial variables would cause an increase in blood flow through a capillary bed?
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Will an increase in capillary pressure shift fluid into the capillaries?

An increase in capillary pressure will shift fluid into or out of the capillaries

Do Histamines cause an increase in the permeability of capillary walls?

Yes, histamines can cause an increase in the permeability of capillary walls. This can lead to leakage of fluid and proteins from the bloodstream into surrounding tissues, resulting in symptoms like swelling and redness commonly seen in allergic reactions.

What will happen to the water in the capillary tube during the investigation of osmosis?

It will increase due to osmosis

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What does a correlation coefficient represent?

The correlation coefficient for two variables is a measure of the degree to which the variables change together. The correlation coefficient ranges between -1 and +1. At +1, the two variables are in perfect agreement in the sense that any increase in one is matched by an increase in the other. An increase of twice as much in the first is accompanied by double the increase in the second. A correlation coefficient of -1 indicates that the two variables are in perfect opposition. The changes in the two variables are similar to when the correlation coefficient is +1, but this time an increase in one variable is accompanied by a decrease in the other. A correlation coefficient near 0 indicates that the two variables do not move in harmony. An increase in one is as likely to be accompanied by an increase in the other variable as a decrease. It is very very important to remember that a correlation coefficient does not indicate causality.

What would not result in the dilation of the feeder arterioles and opening of the precapillary sphincters in systemic capillary beds?

a local increase in pH

What would not result in thedilation of the feeder arterioles and opening of the precapillary sphincters in the systemic capillary beds?

a local increase in pH

What does it mean when two variables have a positive correlation?

A positive correlation between two variables means that there is a direct correlation between the variables. As one variable increases, the other variable will also increase.

When two variables increase or decrease together in the same ratio they?

Are in direct proportion

How should you do to increase the accuracy of the thermometer?

using a thin capillary bore using a thick glass stem

What kind of relationship exists between the variables if your r value is close to plus 1?

When r is close to +1 the variables have a positive correlation between them; as the x-values increase, the corresponding y-values increase. There is also a strong linear correlation or relationship between the variables, when the value of r is close to +1.

How do you increase sensitivity of mercury in glass thermometer?

Sensitivity of a thermometer is the length of increase of the liquid per degree rise in temperature. More sensitive means more noticeable expansion. So if you want to increase the sensitivity, you could have a thinner capillary tube, a larger thermometer bulb etc. :)sailesh