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That would be blood.

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Q: The fluid that runs through the circulatory system is called?
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What passes through the the circulatory system?

Blood passes through the circulatory system.The lymph fluid is what runs through the circulatory system. This is blood that runs through the system.

What the fluid portion of the circulatory system?

Blood is the fluid portion of the circulatory system.

What type of circulatory system does Phylum cnidaria have?

Phylum Cnidaria (e.g. jellyfish, corals) have an open circulatory system. This means that their circulatory fluid, called coelomic fluid, bathes their internal organs directly in nutrients and oxygen. There is no distinction between blood and interstitial fluid in an open circulatory system.

What kin d of circulatory system do gatrpoda have?

they have an open circulatoyr system and its fluid is called haemolymph.

Open circulatory system to lymphatics to closed circulatory system is to blood circulatory system?

The transition from an open circulatory system to a lymphatic system involves the movement of fluid and immune cells through vessels and lymph nodes. This ultimately connects to the closed circulatory system, responsible for transporting oxygen, nutrients, and waste products through the body. The closed circulatory system, also known as the blood circulatory system, uses the heart to pump blood through arteries, capillaries, and veins to maintain circulation.

Are nutrients moved around in the circulatory system?

Nutrients do not move along the circulatory system only but they are carried to each cell via extra cellular and extra vascular fluid.( Called interstitial fluid. )

Which body system collects lost fluid by blood and returns it circulatory system?

The Lymphatic System collects lost fluid by blood and returns it to the circulatory system.

Where does excess cerebrospinal fluid go?

Excess cerebrospinal fluid is usually absorbed by the bloodstream through a system of channels called arachnoid villi. These villi allow the fluid to be reabsorbed back into the circulatory system, maintaining the balance of fluid within the brain and spinal cord.

Fluid part of the circulatory system?


What system transmits interstitial fluid?

The Lymphatic Circulatory System

What is the fluid part of the circulatory system called?

bloodBlood is mainly composed of plasma, which contains mostly water.

What is the fluid part of the circulatoroy system called?

The fluid part of the circulatory system is called blood. It consists of plasma, which is the liquid component that carries blood cells, nutrients, hormones, and waste products throughout the body.