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A "tube" is normally defined as having two openings, one at each end.

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Q: The digestive tube is composed of how many openings?
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How many openings has a digestive tube?

They have two.

What are the openings at opposite ends of a roundworm's digestive tube called?


What is the name of the respiratory system of insect which is composed of branching tube with openings to the outside?

tracheal system

What is the name of respiratory system of insects which is composed of branching tube with openings to the outside?

tracheal system

What organs comprise the tube of the digestive system?

From the esophagus to the anus, the digestive is basically a tube very similar to other tubular organs in the body. All such tubular organs are composed of several tissue layers arranged around a lumen. In a "generic" tubular organ, these layers are as follows (from the lumen to the ablumenal layer).

What part connects the mouth to the digestive tube?

The part that connects the mouth to the digestive tube is called the pharynx.

What is the digestive track?

The digestive track is a long twisting tube from the mouth to the

How does a digestive sac differ from a digestive tube?

has only a single openning

What tube is used by both the digestive and respiratory systems?

The pharynx, also known as the throat, is a tube used by both the digestive and respiratory systems.

How is a roundworm's digestive tract like a tube-within-a-tube?

well it has a tube, and that tube is within a tube. therefore, the tube is somehow within the tube. that explains it

What is known as the food tube in the digestive system?

The Esophagus

What can the digestive tract be likened to?

a long continuous tube