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Large intestines

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Q: The digestion of all types of nutrients is completed in the where?
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How do the digestion and circulation work together?

Digestion turns ingested food into usable nutrients. Circulation carries these nutrients to all body cells.

What enters the blood stream after digestion?

Vitamins, nutrients and all the good, healthy stuff in food.

What have most chemical digestion and absorption?

The small intestine is the site of most chemical digestion and absorption in the digestive tract. During absorption, nutrients enter the bloodstream, and the circulatory system can then transport these nutrients to all body cells.

Where does the majority of all digestion take place?

The majority of digestion takes place in the small intestine. This is where nutrients from food are broken down and absorbed into the bloodstream for use by the body. Enzymes and acids in the small intestine help further break down the food particles.

What do enzymes help digestion?

Enzymes are involved in the digestion of all types of foods except, of course, the foods that cannot be digested (like cellulose).

How does the teeth help in digestion?

Our teeth chew up our food to make it smaller and get all the nutrients, so that it is easier to digest.

What is needed for all types of digestion?

Water is required for (nearly) all of hydrolysis reactions (in other words digesstion).

Where do you defecate from?

After all nutrients have been extracted during the digestion process, the remaining waste ("poo") is excreted out of the colon via the rectum.

Where does the majority of protein digestion happen?

Protein mostly gets digested in the stomach, in the stomach is where all the nutrients get sifted like out.

Why is it important for a cattles digestion that they have hap and staw available all day?

This is important as roughage provides the animal with necessary nutrients that grains do not. Their rumen is lined with many microbes (bacteria and protozoa) that have the ability to break down cellulose and hemicellulose. Roughages are the main source of these nutrients that will aid in healthy digestion. To learn more about digestion in cattle please see the related link.

Which is more efficient mono gastric or ruminant digestion?

the monogastric as it can digest all types of food

What does the small intestine do in the human body?

The digestion and the absorption of nutrients. You can live without a large intenstine, but not without a small intestine! The small intestine is responsible for most of your food digestion and all of your food absorption. The duodenum is the first section and is about a foot long. It digests all types of food (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) with the help of pancreatic juices. The duodenum, along with the jejunem and the ileum, absorb the nutrients from the digested food and transfer them into the blood stream. You can live without your stomach, but you cannot live without your small intestines.