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Binge drinking, for men, is defined as consuming three or more drinks in an hour. This behavior is highly dangerous, as alcohol poisoning and poor-decision making are highly likely.

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12y ago

Four standard drinks. However, this definition is a highly controversial one that distorts the clinical definition traditionally used by professionals.

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Q: The definition of binge drinking for men is consuming standard drinks in a row within an hour?
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Binge drinking definitions vary around the world, but in the United States, it is generally defined as a male drinking 5 standard-size drinks in a 2-hour period or a female drinking 4 standard-size drinks in the same amount of time.

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Binge drinking definitions vary around the world, but in the United States, it is generally defined as a male drinking 5 standard-size drinks in a 2-hour period or a female drinking 4 standard-size drinks in the same amount of time.

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Binge drinking is typically defined as consuming five or more drinks for men, or four or more drinks for women, within a two-hour period.

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What is bingi drinking?

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The purpose of consuming protein drinks is a faster muscle formation of the human's body. That is why many bodybuilders drink special protein shakes to enhance the build-up of muscles.

How do you protect from cold and flu?

from not going in out in cold weather and not drinking cold drinks from not going in out in cold weather and not drinking cold drinks

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NO drinks.