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Q: The congenital absence of a normal body opening is called?
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What is the medical term meaning congenital absence of a normal opening or failure of a structure to be tubular?


What is atresia?

* Anal atresia -- congenital absence of a hole at the bottom end of the intestine. Also called imperforate anus. * Aortic atresia -- congenital absence of the normal valvular opening into the aorta. * Biliary atresia -- absence of the major bile ducts. * Choanal atresia -- congenital failure of one or both nasal passages to open. * Esophageal atresia -- a birth defect in which part of esophagus is not hollow. * Intestinal atresia -- obliteration of the hollow of the small intestine, involving the ileum (50% of cases) or the jejunum or duodenum. * Laryngeal atresia -- congenital failure of the laryngeal opening to develop, resulting in partial or total obstruction at or just above or below the glottis. * Pulmonary atresia -- congenital absence of the pulmonary valve opening in the heart. * Tricuspid atresia -- congenital lack of the tricuspid valve opening. * Vaginal atresia -- congenital occlusion of the vagina or subsequence adhesion (sticking together) of the walls of the vagina occluding it.

What is the medical term meaning congenital absence of Nipples but otherwise normal breasts?

Athelia is the medical term meaning absence of nipples.

What are peroxisomal disorders?

Peroxisomal disorders are a group of congenital (existing from birth) diseases characterized by the absence of normal peroxisomes in the cells of the body.

How can you tell if a woman is sterile?

There are certain unexplained conditions such as : Congenital ( in-born) absence of a Vagina ( wow), Congenital absence of normal breast nipples, a flat-chested condition reminiscent of the Carrier Lexington ( which was on the hunt for somebody who well, was flat on top. ) Sorry, Miss Powers. Sterililty could also be caused by exposure to radiation or some other types of accidents.

How do you use congenital in a sentence?

Helen Keller's deafness and blindness were not congenital defects; she was normal at birth.

Normal blood pressure of 7 months old baby with congenital heart disease?

A 7-month old baby with a congenital heart disease does usually have a high blood pressure and not a normal blood pressure.

Do all congenital disorders cause developmental disorders?

No. For example, someone might be born with an extra finger, which is a congenital disorder, but live a completely normal life otherwise.

What is the meaning of aplasia?

Incomplete or faulty development.

What is the absence of normal conjunctions?

The absence of normal conjunctions is known as asyndeton. In writing or speaking, this technique involves omitting conjunctions (such as "and," "but," "or") to create a sense of urgency, speed, or impact.

What does no absence of fear mean?

No absence of fear means nothing, it's normal, the absence of fear means stupidity, taking action despite of fear is courage.

What does diagnosis of congenital myasthenia entail?

Accurate diagnosis of congenital myasthenia requires specialized testing. These include testing specific nerves to determine if the nerves fatigue more quickly than is normal