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The beta cells in your pancreas.

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Q: That produces insulin to control sugar in the blood?
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What part of the human digestive system produces insulin to control sugar in the blood?

It is the pancreas

What organ produce insulin to lower blood sugar level?

The pancreas is the organ that produces insulin to lower blood sugar levels. Insulin helps regulate blood sugar by allowing cells to take in glucose for energy or storage.

When blood sugar is high the pancreas produces what hormone?


How is blood sugar regualted?

The pancreas produces insulin which helps digest and regulate blood sugar levels.

How does the pancreas regulat the amount of sugar in the blood?

Pancreas produces insulin than lowers sugar level in the blood.

What controls how much sugar is in the blood?

The pancreas inject insulin to control the sugar.

What is hypoglycemics?

hypoglycemia is a condition where the sufferer produces too much insulin after eating resulting in low blood sugar. hypoglycemia is a condition where the sufferer produces too much insulin after eating resulting in low blood sugar.

What hormone controls the supply of sugar from the blood to the muscles?

There are two hormones that control the supply of sugar from the blood to the muscles. They are insulin and glucagon.

Is a pancreas danger to the body if not working?

yes it is because your pancreas produces insulin. insulin is a hormone that helps your blood sugar.

How are insulin and blood sugar related?

insulin helps transport the blood sugar into cells were sugar is needed. insulin is related to blood sugar cause insulin can lower blood sugar level.

What does the pancreatic islets secrete in reponse to low blood sugar?

Insulin is secreted by the pancreas to control blood sugar levels.

People with diabetes cant make what to control blood sugar?

Diabetics can't make or can't use the insulin they make to control their blood sugar.