The triceps brachii is the muscle of the body primarily used to extend the elbow. It is a long muscle that originates in the scapula.
The triceps brachii muscle does not flex the elbow; it is responsible for extending the elbow joint when it contracts.
Prime movers are:biceps brachiibrachialisbrachioradialisSynergists are:pronator teresflexor carpi radialisflexor carpi ulnarisflexor digitorum superficialispalmaris longus
The Main muscles used when you do elbow curls are the bicep muscles.
-Flexion of the Arm -Flexion of the Forearm-Supination of the Forearm-Stabilization of the glenohumeral joint
Flexors are muscles that bend the elbow or wrist in the upper arm, such as the biceps brachii. Extensors are muscles that straighten the elbow or wrist in the upper arm, such as the triceps brachii. These muscles work together to allow for various movements in the arm.
triceps brachii
A muscle that opposes the actions of another. =] A muscle that opposes the actions of another. =]
prime mover (agonist)Not sure what you're asking here, but the biceps brachii is the prime mover facilitating flexion at the elbow joint.
triceps brachii
The primary function ofthe biceps brachi is suppination of the forarm, only when the forearm is suppinated does the biceps brachi assist brachialis in flexion of the elbow. The Triceps brachi is the only significant extensor of the elbow joint.
Either the triceps brachii or the coracobrachialis.