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Q: Systole and diastole describe the function of the?
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What are the two qualities of the heart beat which must be observed?

diastole and systole diastole and systole

The contraction of the ventricles is referred to as systole and the period of ventricular relaxation is called?

I believe that is called diastole, in contrast to systole, the contraction of the heart muscles.

Which heart chamber do the terms systole and diastole most ofter apply?

Systole and diastole most often refer to the ventricle of the heart. Systole is contraction of the ventricle, and diastole is the relaxation of the ventricle.

What is systole and diastole and how this relates to the two figures obtained when blood pressure is taken?

I think systole is when the heart contracts- the "lub" of the heart- and diastole is when the heart relaxes- the "dub" of the heart. Systole is the numerator of the fraction and diastole is the denominator of the fraction. Ex. 120/80 120 is systole and 80 is diastole

What are the phases of the cardiac cycle?

Mid-to-late diastole, ventricular systole and early diastole

To which heart chambers do the terms systole and diastole usually apply?

The terms systole and diastole most often apply to the Right and Left Ventricles

Period of heart contraction?

Contraction of the ventricles and atria is called systole. Relaxation is called diastole.

What is meant by systole and diastole?

The ventricles of heart have two states: systole(contraction) and diastole (relaxation). During diastole blood fills the ventricles and during systole the blood is pushed out of the heart into the arteries. The auricles contract anti-phase to the ventricles and chiefly serve to optimally fill the ventricles with blood.

What are the two main phases of a heartbeat?

There is the contraction of the atria and the contraction of the ventricles. When the atria contract, the AV valves are open, allowing the blood to fall into the ventricles. The AV valves then close, and the ventricles contract, pumping the blood out into the arteries.

What is systole and diastole?

Systole is the phase of the cardiac cycle when the heart contracts, pushing blood out of the chambers. Diastole is the phase when the heart relaxes, allowing the chambers to fill with blood. These two phases work together to maintain blood flow through the heart and the body.

What is s1s2?

S1 S2 are heart sounds. The S1 sound occurs at the beginning of systole (end of diastole). The S2 sound occurs at the beginning of Diastole (end of systole).

What is difference with systolic and diastolic?

SYSTOLIC: Relating to a systole or happening during a systole. But what is a systole? It is the contraction of the chambers of the heart(especially the ventricles) to drive blood into the aorta and pulmonary artery. DIASTOLIC: Relating to a diastole or happening during a diastole. But what is a diastole ? The widening of the chambers of the heart between two contractions when the chambers fill with blood is called a diastole.