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In swimming it is not rare to get ring worm even if you were not even in the pool all of the germs and bacteria can be transferred through the pool when other swimmers get in if they have ring worm most likely you will get ring worm or other bacteria to and then you can bring that home and other people might get it or if you are near a pool and you get it it was most likely on the floor or in other places and you could of got it then

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Can algae in a swimming pool cause ringworm?

No, but it could cause similar appearing skin irritations.

Where can one get ringworm?

Basically ringworm isn't actually a worm, it is caused by a fungus. The fungi grow in warm, moist areas, e.g locker rooms/swimming pools. Ringworm is contagious and spreads when you have skin-to-skin contact with a person or animal that has it. It can also spread when you share things like towels, clothing, or sports gear. You can also get ringworm by touching an infected dog or cat, although this form of ringworm is not common.

Can you get ringworm from someone who has chickenpox?

Chickenpox and ringworm are caused by completely different microbes. You can only get ringworm from someone with chickenpox if they also have ringworm.

What is ringworm in French?

ringworm= la teigne

Can children get ringworm?

Yes children can get ringworm.

Why is ringworm called ringworm?

Ringworm is called ringworm because the infection often causes red, circular rashes on the skin that look like rings.

When is ringworm not contagious?

Ringworm is not contagious after 24 hours

Will doxycycline treat ringworm?

doxycycline can be used for ringworm?

Can you play football with ringworm?

Only if the ringworm have helmets and pads.

What temperature kills ringworm?

You could not get your skin hot enough to kill the ringworm without burning yourself.

Does Tinaction cure Ringworm?

Tinactin is an anti fungal that claims to cure Ringworm. Ringworm is a fungal infection that can be stubborn. No product can cure all ringworm but Tinactin has a reputation of curing most cases.

Does ringworm cause mood swings?

No. Ringworm is caused by a fungal infection.