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hepatic portal system

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Q: Substances absorbed in the intestines would be routed to the liver via the?
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Where organ is important in processing substances after they are absorbed during digestion?

The Liver.

When poisonous substances are in the blood they are absorbed by what?

liver & kidney

The absorbed nutrients travel to the liver via the?

Absorbed nutrients from the intestines travel to the liver via the hepatic portal vein. This vein carries blood rich in nutrients from the intestines directly to the liver for processing and storage. Once in the liver, the nutrients are metabolized and distributed to the rest of the body as needed.

What organ important in processing substances after they are absorbed during digestion?

The Liver.

What is the Enterohepatic system?

The enterohepatic system refers to the circulation of substances between the liver and the intestines. Bile acids are released from the liver into the intestines to aid in digestion, and are then reabsorbed in the intestines and returned to the liver. This system helps in the recycling of bile acids and certain drugs in the body.

When poisonous or harmful substances are in the blood which are absorbed by?

The liver filters harmful substances from the blood and metabolizes them into less toxic compounds. The kidneys then filter these compounds out of the blood and excrete them in the urine. Additional detoxification processes can occur in the lungs, skin, and intestines before harmful substances are eliminated from the body.

What part of your body absorbs alcohol?

Roughly 20% is absorbed through the stomach wall, depending on the contents of the stomach. The rest is absorbed in the small intestine.

How substances absorbed by small intestine are carried to liver?

hepatic portal system

What part of the body is portal?

The portal vein is a blood vessel that carries blood from the digestive organs to the liver. It plays a crucial role in delivering nutrients and toxins absorbed from the intestines to the liver for processing.

What substances would you find in the blood vessels leading away from the small intestine towards the liver?

Absorbed nutrients from ingested food passes through the wall of the intestines into blood vessels, which take them throughout the body. The liver, the main organ involved in digestion, is responsible for breaking up, digesting and absorbing fats, and for detoxifying blood.

What is the first organ to receive nutrients?

The liver receives the bulk of the water soluble nutrients.Little absorption occurs in the oral cavity, esophagus, and stomach. The small and large intestines are where most absorption takes place. The blood flows from the intestines back to the liver via the portal vein.

What organ where nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream?

Nutrients are absorbed throughout the digestive process. Specific nutrients are absorbed in the stomach and large intestines, but the majority of nutrients are absorbed in the small intestines.