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Hello, over march break I had a sore and swollen throat which made it hard to swallow but to make matters worse I had a gum infection. Mr. Dr put me on some antibiotics and they swelling went away I have just finished my antibiotics and the pain has come back. It has been about three to four days now and the pain seems to get worse at night. The right side of my throat is sore and rather tender and this is causing me to have some pain within my right ear. I am having trouble sleeping. Also it feels like there is a lot of mucous and flem build up at the back of my throat but it is too painful to cough it up? What is most likely the issue and whats some ways I can get temporary relief?

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Q: Sore throat on one side and an earache all in the left side of my body the pain seems to get worse at night and I was wondering what I could do it relieve some of the pain and discomfort?
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Yes, as the pain from the throat and/or tonsils can be referred to the ear, or the ear itself can become infected along with the throat infection caused by strep. Swelling in the Eustachian tube between the middle ear and throat can cause fluid and pressure to build up in the middle ear causing pain as well.

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What to do if you have no voice?

If you have no voice, rest your vocal cords by minimizing talking and avoiding whispering, as this can strain them further. Hydrate well with water or warm fluids to soothe your throat. Consider using a humidifier, steam inhalation, or throat lozenges to help relieve any discomfort. If your voice loss persists for more than a few days, seek medical advice.

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Bronchitis, sore throat, tonsillitis, dry coughs, hoarseness, earache, headache, tuberculosis, boils, carbuncles, skin ulcers, chilblains, and hemorrhoids.

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