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Counting days is a prediction, not truth. Your body isn't clockwork perfect, things like that will happen. This is part of the reason why counting days and "safe" periods is so unreliable as a means of avoiding pregnancy.

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Q: Sometimes my period comes 2 days before or after the actual date of my period what is the reason?
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when your waiting for your period to come you usually feel mild to sharp cramps usually the day before or or like an hour before. sometimes before you start you get mad for no reason.

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The Age of Enlightenment is sometimes referred to as the Age of Reason.

How long does your period return after your last period?

Usually about 28 days, sometimes it will come early or if you are stressed and sometimes for no reason at all. If it is very late then it may be a good idea to speak to your doctor.

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The reason why is because they die before they can GROW.

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Your period can always be late whether you have sex or not. You are not likely to be fertile on the day before your period, and the fact that you used protection gives you even less reason to worry.

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It could mean you are pregnant, have irregular periods, hormonal imbalance or you have had a light and early period this month for no reason.

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the reason you feel so sick before your period is because all you women are a bunch of sally bitches. Not only was that last answer sexist but it didn't answer your question.

What can be the reason that your periods are delayed?

Your period can be late for a few reasons. The obvious reason is because you are pregnant, but it can also be late if you are very stressed, or if you have been on any antibiotics lately. And sometimes, periods are just late for no reason.

Why is the enlightenment sometimes called the age of reason?

The Enlightenment is sometimes called the Age of Reason because it emphasized the use of reason, logic, and critical thinking as tools for understanding the world and shaping society. During this period, there was a strong focus on rationality, empirical evidence, and individual rights, leading to advancements in science, philosophy, and politics.

Can you conceive 6 days before a period still get the period and still be pregnant The reason I ask is because I had UPS 6 days before My period was then bang on time. Now test says positive?

Yes, some women even have PMS every month of ther pregnancy.

Will you get your period a year before your mom did?

No, there's no reason to think that you would get your period a year before your mom got hers. Everyone develops differently and when your mom, sister, or other family member reached menarche is not an indication of when you will reach menarche.