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sperm is white the rest is clear its a natural lubrication

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Q: Some times semen is clear and sometimes its thick and creamy?
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Is semen a thick liquid like yellow floating over a thinner clear liquid?

semen should be a thick clear substance

Who does semen look like?

Semen is a whitish, cloudy liquid - it may be almost clear, or very milky and thick.

What does pig semen look like?

its white creamy colour. they also ejaculate a thick gel kind of white substance, this isn't semen, the boar ejaculates it after ejaculating the semen. this thick gel substance is what prevents the semen from coming out.

Are you gay if you swallow your semen?

Absolutely not. You are only gay if you are sexually attracted to members of the same gender.

How do mature sperm differ from those that are not fully developed?

Mature sperm tends to be more of a according to NNC's study of human health and male errctions, normal semen trnds to be a white/creamy color and thicker. Per-puberty or mid-puberty semen tends th be not quite as thick and is more of a watery/clear color its much more runny.

Is it normal to have clear and watery semen on every ejaculation?

Depending on how old you are yes and no. If you are under the age of nineteen and you are asking this question the answer is yes. Quite a few people that are under the age of nineteen haven't fully finished puberty. Therefore, their sperm count is lower and it is clear. If you are over the age of nineteen and your semen is clear and you masturbate more than once a day, try stopping for about 2 days and then giving it a try. The reason behind this is that it takes longer for the body to produce the sperm than the seminal fluid. If you are still producing clear semen then a visit to a urologist would be optimum best.

Why is semen sometimes thin?

Semen will vary day to day and every man is different. There is no right consistency. On average it will be some what thick, but watery is normal also. It also depends on how often you ejaculate. If you ejaculate once a week, then semen will be thick. If you ejaculate several times a day, it will be thin and watery (but still with millions of sperm in it).

What does it mean when your semen appears hazy?

Semen can be almost clear and watery or white and very thick. It is almost certainly normal regardless of how it appears. Age, general health, diet, any medication or drug can have an affect. The temperature, stress, anything you are exposed to can affect your body and therefore your semen. Nothing to worry about.

What is the thick creamy liquid of food found in the stomach?

tha glucose

Can frequent prostate massage cause thick semen?

No. Prostate massage removes the build up of prostatic fluid, which mixes with semen, but does not cause thickening of the semen. Thick semen is due to not drinking enough water, or blood flowing back into the scotum, which is caused by vericoseles.

Is white semen just like water is normal?

It can vary from almost clear and watery to thick with chunks. Depends on health, diet, temperature, physical activity, lots of thngs.

What does a healthy semen look like?

It's usually a milky-white looking substance but can be clear or yellowish also. it can be sticky or slippery.If it is red or brown then there is blood in it. This can be a sign of a urinary infection. You should seek medical advice in that case.It can be almost clear and thin or very thick with chunks. Age, general health, diet, stress, almost anything can have some affect on it. Thin or thick, it's all normal.Thin and almost clear to very thick with little chunks. It's all normal and can vary with each ejaculation. Age, general health, how often you release, all can have an affect on it.