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stroke symptoms.

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Q: Slurred speech and confusion and numbness symptoms?
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How do you know if you have tia?

Some symptoms of a transient ischemic attack are numbness of face, drooping of face, slurred speech or stumbling. Anyone who experiences these symptoms may need to seek medical attention.

Anxiety and slurred speech are symptoms of?

Having anxiety and slurred speech can be a many of things. When a person has the symptoms it usually means you are having a micro stroke.

What are the symptoms of benzodiazapine and barbiturate use?

Benzodiazapine and barbiturate users may appear sleepy and slowed, with slurred speech, small pupils, and occasional confusion.

What are the most common signs that someone is having a stroke?

Common symptoms of a mild stroke include, but are not limited to: sudden numbness or weakness in the limbs or face (especially on one side of the body), impaired speech or difficulty understanding, confusion, dizziness and loss of balance, severe headache and vision impairment.

What are signs that a head injury is worsening?

Worsening headaches, vomiting, weakness, numbness, unsteadiness, change in the appearance of the eyes, seizures, slurred speech, confusion, agitation, or the victim won't wake up.

What signs and symptoms can one observe in a case of barbiturate abuse?

Some signs and symptoms that one can observe in a case of barbiturate abuse would be drowsiness, slurred speech, and confusion. The signs and symptoms vary depending on amount consumed.

What is the icd-9 code for slurred speech?

The ICD-9 code for slurred speech is 784.69, which falls under the category "Other Symptoms Involving Head and Neck".

What are the symptoms of a stroke?

The symptoms of a stroke follow from FAST: Face- the face will have drooped on one side, the person may not be able to smile, the mouth or eye may have drooped. Arms - the person may be unable to lift one of both arms and keep them there due to numbness. Speech - the persons speech may be slurred, or they may be unable to speak completely. Time - time to call 999 asap if any of these symptoms are spotted.

What are the early symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis?

The early symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis are, blurred or double vision, thinking problems, clumsiness or lack of co-ordination, loss of balance, numbness, tingling and weakness in an arm or leg.

What are the symptoms of mini stroke?

Symptoms include sudden and rapid numbness on one side of the body, confusion, slurred speech, impaired vision in one or both eyes, uncoordination, unable to balance on one or both feet, dizziness, and sudden headaches.

What symptoms might people have if they drink or use alcohol?

Dizziness, puking, slurred speech

What are the common symptoms of alcohol poisoning?

There are several symptoms for alcohol poisoning, these are the most commons ones: absent reflexes, slurred speech, confusion, difficulty awakening the person, erratic behavior, seizures, feeling very ill, slow breathing, unconsciousness or passing out.