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Q: Skeletal muscles must work in pairs because?
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Why must skeletal muscles work in pairs to move a bone?

Skeletal muscles work in pairs to move a bone so that the muscles can function properly. Muscles can only pull, therefore bones need two muscles to make it move. To put a finger up one muscle might pull, the other will put to put back down. With two, the movement will be smooth, otherwise it will be "jerky" and uncontrolled.

Why must skeletal work in pairs to move a bone?

Skeletal muscles work in pairs to move a bone so that the muscles can function properly. Muscles can only pull, therefore bones need two muscles to make it move. To put a finger up one muscle might pull, the other will put to put back down. With two, the movement will be smooth, otherwise it will be "jerky" and uncontrolled.

Would you find a skeletal muscle in your leg?

You would find many. Skeletal muscles are the voluntary muscles that help move parts of our body. Since you move your legs to walk, you must have skeletal muscles to do that.

Why muscles must work in pairs?

Muscles can only exert force by getting shorter. Muscles work in pairs by one muscle pulling in one direction, the other muscle pulls in the opposite direction. One bends your leg, the other straightens the leg, etc.

What other system must work with muscles and how do the two systems work together?

the skeletal and muscular systems

What muscle must be supplied by a somatic motor nerve?

All skeletal muscles in the body must be supplied by somatic motor nerves. These nerves carry signals from the brain to the muscles, controlling voluntary movements.

How are voluntary and involuntary muscles different from one another?

There are three muscle types: skeletal muscle which move bones and thereby the body, cardiac muscle which causes the heart to beat and smooth muscle which is found in all hollow organs except the heart. The skeletal muscles are also called voluntary because you must use your mind to move them using the nervous system. Neither the smooth muscles nor the cardiac muscles require thought to move them, but they do need nervous stimulation.

Why must muscles work together?

Muscles must work together because you need to move your body.

Why do you need both biceps and triceps to move the lower arm up and down at the elbow?

Because muscles can not push, they can only pull (contract). So while your biceps contract to pull the arm up into a flexed position; the triceps are necessary to pull the arm back down into an extended position. Skeletal muscles or groups of skeletal muscles must work in pairs. These pairs are called "antagonistic" muscles; while one group is contracting, the other group is relaxing. You can easily feel this action in your arm. With your right arm extended, place you left hand on your right biceps. Flex your arm (as if to make a big muscle) and you will feel the biceps brachii tighten and bulge somewhat; we are familiar with this. Now, place your left hand on your triceps and straighten the right arm completely (extra straight) and you should be able to feel the triceps brachii tighten. Although aided by gravity, the triceps MUST contract to straighten the arm.

What is the correct definition for voluntary muscle?

Voluntary (also known as) skeletal muscles are used to create movement, by applying force to bones and joints; via contraction. They generally contract voluntarily (via somatic nerve stimulation), although they can contract involuntarily through reflexes.muscular system Consists of all the muscles in the body, especially the ones that help you move. skeletal muscle Voluntary muscle that is attached to bones of the skeleton and helps the body move. smooth muscle Involuntary muscle that is found in the walls of internal organs, such as the stomach.

How do all of the muscles work together to perform movement in your body?

Muscles act by shortening the path between their ends, which are connected between different bones, which makes the bones flex appropriately. Bones are strong in compression as well as tension, so they are fit to anchor muscle ends.

Why must skeletal muscles work in pair?

1 muscle works 2 move it 1 way, another works 2 move it the other way.