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Pyloric Stenosis is the narrowing of the canal between the stomach and small intestine. In young babies symptoms can start very soon after birth but generally don't start till between 2 and 8 weeks after birth. The most obvious symptom is increasing vomiting after feeds and forceful projectile vomiting - not just 'sicking up' or regurgitating milk but an increasing pattern of the whole feed being returned in a powerful way. Poor weight gain or weight loss, irregular or loss of bowel movements, stomach cramps, dehydration, irritability, lethargy and wave movements across the stomach are also signs. Apart from medical tests an olive shaped and sized swelling can quite often be felt in the stomach region (near the sternum or breastbone). There are websites that advise how the infant should be positioned to find this "pyloric olive".

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What is Pyloric stenosis also called?

Pyloric stenosis is also referred to as hypertrophic pyloric stenosis

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What is the narrowing of the opening between the stomach and intestines?

The Pyloric valve.

Is vomiting a sign of pyloric stenosis?

Yes, vomiting is a common symptom of pyloric stenosis in infants. Pyloric stenosis causes narrowing of the opening between the stomach and the small intestine, leading to forceful projectile vomiting. If you suspect pyloric stenosis in your baby, it is important to seek medical attention promptly for diagnosis and treatment.

What does the medical abbreviation PS mean?

Pyloric Stenosis

Who is at risk for pyloric stenosis?

Male infants with a family history of pyloric stenosis are more at risk of having the condition, which tends to occur less often in females, blacks, and Asians.

How did Jon cryer get a scar?

Jon Cryer is a famous actor that has appeared in several movies and television shows. He got his scar from a pyloric stenosis surgery.

Do adults have problems with their pyloric sphincter?

While adults can have issues with their pyloric sphincter, it is more commonly associated with infants. In adults, problems with the pyloric sphincter can lead to conditions like pyloric stenosis or gastric outlet obstruction. These conditions can cause symptoms such as vomiting, abdominal pain, and difficulty maintaining a healthy weight.

What is the narrowing of the opening between the stomach and the intestine?

Pyloric stenosis

What is the medical term meaning narrowing of the sphincter?

GastrostenosisMedical Terminology:Stomach: Gastronarrowing: StenosisYou may be referring to a condition that is common in this region known as Pyloric Stenosis; narrowing of the pylorus which is the opening to the stomach.

What is the medical term meaning narrowing of the pyloric sphincter?

Pylororrhaphy is the medical term meaning suture of the pyloric valve. A related term, pyloroplasty, means surgical repair of the pyloric valve.

What is cured by pyloromyotomy?

Pyloric stenosis can be cured with a surgical procedure called a pyloromyotomy