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Bronchitis is incredibly contagious especially because of the horrible cough that accompanies it.

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no absolutly not

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Q: Should you work with bronchitis
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Can someone work if they have bronchitis?


You have Bronchitis should you take at least one day off from work?

yes you need to have a bit of a rest

Should you see a doctor for bronchitis?

yes you should

What should you do when you have bronchitis?

go to a doctor!

Will Nyquil help bronchitis?

Nyquil will not help to reduce the inflammation that is caused by bronchitis. You should see a doctor and get a prescription.

Does penicillin cover bronchitis?

Maybe. Bronchitis can be either due to a virus infection or a bacterial infection. Tests will need to be done to determine which type of bronchitis you have. In the case of a viral infection causing bronchitis, penicillin will not work. In the case of a bacterial infection causing bronchitis, penicillin may work. Antibiotics are generally used on bacterial infections, not viral.

How do you make a sentence with the word bronchitis?

Bronchitis is a noun for an inflammation of the mucous membrane in the bronchial tubes. Example sentence: My bronchitis was so bad that my boss didn't recognize my voice when I called in sick.

If on antibiotic and puffer is bronchitis contagious?

Well, bronchitis can be a virus or a bacteria. If you have a viral version, your antibiotic will not work. So I would give yourself a couple days off of school/work to give both the puffer and the antibiotic a chance to work.

How many days should you stay home from school if you have bronchitis?

a weel

Do some people with H1N1 get bronchitis?

yes h1n2 should no in vain

What health risks are associated with chronic bronchitis?

Chronic bronchitis is often associated with a deep cough but it is a question that you should direct to your doctor or to your pulmonologist who could answer more directly.

What part of speech is bronchitis?

The word bronchitis is a noun. Bronchitis is an inflammation of bronchi in the lungs.